How Do Oxygen Therapies Help Mitochondria
Ozone’s true therapeutic value is in its ability to release a singlet oxygen atom. Singlet oxygen atoms are hungry for an electron. The O2 molecule was happy because the happy couple shared an outer orbiting electron. When ozone, which is three elemental oxygen...
Lyme Disease, What Do Antibiotics Do
What do antibiotics do to viruses, parasites, yeast, and fungi?……… For the most part nothing at all. What about the role of chronic inflammation in all this? It’s a big topic. Is inflammation the destructive root cause of disease it is often made out to be, or...
Using Coffee Enemas in Natural Cleansing
Coffee enemas are a cheap and effective way to cleanse the liver. The caffeine slowly absorbs from the colon into the portal vein system and then stimulates the liver to dump fat soluble biotoxins, chemicals and heavy metals into the bowel for elimination. It is cheap...
Frank Shallenberger, M.D., Oxygen Therapies
Frank Shallenberger, M.D., who is considered the leading authority on ozone therapy in the United States calls this “Early Onset Mitochondrial Dysfunction” or EOMD (Shallenberger, F. 2011, p 42). This problem can be insidious. It is usually not readily apparent, but...
Is Terrain The Ultimate Answer When It Comes To Lyme Disease?
The solution though realistically is twofold: improve the terrain and also kill the bugs, preferably in a way that does no harm to the host. Kill the bugs, keep the body. Microbial infection and damaged terrain are not mutually exclusive issues. In fact...
How Do I Know If Coffee Enemas Will Help Me?
In recent times, coffee enemas have been given more and more attention as a natural therapy, but there are those who have long known about the amazing benefits of this natural detox modality. Traditional Naturopaths oftentimes recommend coffee enemas to...
Jump Starting Your Oxygen Metabolism Using Oxygen Therapies
If you want more oxygen just take a deeper breath right? Actually that’s not a bad idea. Deep breathing exercises are associated with many health benefits. Aerobic exercise is also fantastic for increasing the speed, efficiency, and number of mitochondria....
Lyme Disease and Transmission Routes
Something to consider is transmission routes. Is conventional wisdom right on this: tick bite by the wrong tick at the wrong time = Lyme disease. But are transmission routes far more diverse and Lyme disease far more widespread? In fact several renowned...
Why Do Cleansing Therapies Such as Coffee Enemas?
In modern times over 100,000 chemicals, many of which were developed in the U.S., have been produced and used commercially in every way imaginable. Better living through chemistry was the motto of chemical manufacturers in the 20th century and continues to this day....
Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Oxygen Therapies
Why the variation in the ability of different individuals to use oxygen to burn fuel in their bodies? There are many things that can affect this: hormones – especially a deficiency of T3 Thyroid hormone, poor nutrition, and of course a sedentary lifestyle are some key...
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