Oily Fish Will Better Your Heart Health
Eating oily fish twice a week will better your health. Fish such as, mackerel, sardines, fresh tuna, and salmon are excellent sources of omega-3 fats. These fats will help protect you against heart disease. For more information on Heart Health visit...
Lose The Salt For Better Heart Health!
To keep a healthy blood pressure stop using salt at the table, less when cooking, or just cut it out completely. Don't worry you will get used to it quickly. When sticking to this you need to keep an eye out for salt levels in processed foods. Check your food's...
A Common Cold Can Damage Your Heart Health
Most people are completely unaware that a common cold can damage your heart. The virus that causes this cold can weaken your heart. A condition like this is known as a viral cardiomyopathy. Just like any flu or cold symptoms, your heart will...
Cycling Improves Heart Health
Cycling is the perfect type of cardio exercise that benefits your heart without adding stress to your hips, back, and ankles. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, swimming is the second most popular activity here in the United States. Swimming...
Joel Fuhrman – Eat for Health
Dr. Fuhrman's scientifically proven system, Eat For Health, enables you to finally conquer your cravings and food addictions, while steering your taste buds toward healthier food choices. Medical research proves that this is one of the most effective weight loss...
Four Things You Didn’t Know About Autism
1. Autism is more common then childhood cancer, diabetes, and AIDS combined. 2. Approximately 67 million people are affected worldwide. 3. The rate of this disorder is growing 14% per year around the world. In China it is growing at a rate of 20% per year. 4....
Laughter Will Improve Your Heart Health
Laughter really is the best medicine! Your laughing helps your body by lowering levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Having lower levels of cortisol will decrease your blood pressure and boost your mood, along with immunity. Studies show that individuals with...
Healthy Weight Maintains Heart Health
Your weight matters! Men with a waistline of over 40 inches and women with one over 35 have an increased risk of heart disease. Studies show losing 5-10% of your overall weight will improve your health! Not to mention, 30 minutes of aerobic exercises three times a...
Signs of Heart Attack That Affect Heart Health
Everyone should know the warning signs of heart attacks. If you can spot these signs quickly you can receive early treatment, this could save your life. Early signs : * Sudden chest pain, squeezing, fullness or pressure * Shortness of breathe * Nausea * Sweating *...
Your Heart Health And Fighting Disease
Even though you can't control the risk factors such as age, and the fear of hereditary diseases, there is plenty you can do to prevent heart disease. You can do this by, eating a healthy diet, controlling your cholesterol and blood sugar levels, exercising regularly,...
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